Hear Us

To get a little taste of what we sound like live, here’s a brief video of us running through a few tunes prior to a recent wedding reception at the Biltmore Forest Country Club in Asheville, NC.

The following are short snippets of pieces we regularly play for the various stages of a wedding. We have a sizable repertoire, and these are just samples. We are also happy to learn special music on request.









If your local stores have run out of TP due to COVID-19, here’s a musical suggestion about an alternative from Hot Shandy, Jim’s band from about 35 years ago, and unlike TP, we’ll probably never run out of it… unfortunately…



Jim’s Recordings

1981 Hot Shandy (Jim Magill & Rick Bouley), Paradise Ain’t Cheap
1983 Hot Shandy (Jim Magill & Rick Bouley), America Is Dancin’ Again
1986 Jerry Read Smith, Heartdance
1992 Timmy Abell, Play All Day
1994 Various Artists, Making A Difference, A Collection of Acoustic Music to Commemorate the Centennial of Warren Wilson College
2002 Various Artists, “Live” at Karmasonics

Beth’s Recordings

1986 Jerry Read Smith, Heartdance
1987 Jim Taylor, Come Before Winter
1994 Various Artists, Making A Difference, A Collection of Acoustic Music to Commemorate the Centennial of Warren Wilson College
1997 Mooncoin, Love and Freedom
1999 Jim Taylor, One October Morn
2001 Jim Taylor, The Civil War Collection, Vol.Two
2001 John Smith, The Traveler
2003 Judy McKinney, The Lone Wild Bird
2004 Julia Weatherford, The View From Here
2004 David Mollerari, From the Dirt
2011 Thea & The GreenMan, Serve Love
2011 Jon Vezner, not yet released
2011 Anam Cara DVD for littlepearls.org
2014 Rob McHale, Fields